NLP-How to Take a Professional iPhone Photo


person holding phone taking picture of served food
Photo by Helena Lopes on

Have you ever wanted to try something new and not know where to begin? I am currently discovering how a network of learning can help me try something I have never done before. As we are learning this week in CEP 810, learning occurs when background knowledge is assessed and that is just what I did for my project. As Will Richardson spoke about in his TED talk, we need to embrace children’s background knowledge with technology to allow them to learn new information with the tools they already possess (Richardson, 2012). I, as a learner know that I love taking photos and I love being the subject as well, I just want to learn how to take a phone and do something better. Photography for me is a way to relive a memory and it tells so much about that moment. I search all over Instagram for amazing moments shot on iPhones and then I try taking one and it does not seem as “cool”. For my networked learning project, I am going to learn how to take my iPhone 7 and take professional looking photos!

To see my growth, I am going to take 10 photos shot on my iPhone this past year and have friends and family compare them to 10 photos shot after starting my project. To start me on my journey, I got on Youtube and put in a simple search “How to shoot professional shots on an iPhone 7”. Apparently, I am not the only person who wants to learn! I can tell that this is going to take practice and much help, but the cool thing is- I have all the tools!  There were two videos that really stuck out to me and I have embedded them for you. The first one focused on 7 Hidden Features that are hidden for most people to discover on iPhones. What I liked about this video was it was user friendly and it was generic for most iPhones, meaning you did not need the iPhone X to use it. It is a little lengthy (33 minutes) but the guy gives a ton of demonstrations. Another video that I looked into chose to use different backgrounds, simple house hold items like a blanket or surface, to capture a piece (more like art). To help me on my journey, I plan to use iPhone photo forum to bounce ideas off others. I never thought that I would want to take photos like pieces of art, but now I am intrigued! Stay tuned to see how it all turns out! I am traveling to northern Michigan this weekend and hope to try it out!


Pakarklis, E. (2016, November 25). 7 Hidden iPhone Camera Features That Every Photographer Should Use. Retrieved May 22, 2018, from

Richardson, W. (2012, February 18). Why School? TED ebook author rethinks education when information is everywhere. Retrieved May 21, 2018, from

Williams, J. (2015, February 23). How to Take Better Pictures with Your iPhone | Photography Tips. Retrieved May 22, 2018, from

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